Gay people are people too. This is a statement that few Americans believe in, few humans believe in, but it is a very true statement. According to an article by Brian Montopoli in CBS new, "forty-two percent of Americans now say same sex couples should be allowed to legally marry." This poll information was posted April 27, 2009. Twenty-five percent agree that gays should be allowed to have civil unions, but not marriages, and twenty-eight percent want gays to have no legal recognition what-so-ever.
They are people with souls, minds, hearts, and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They should have all the rights that "straight" people have, which includes the right to be joined in marriage, a beautiful ceremony that represents love, commitment, and dedication for one another. But in our society today gay marriage is seen as an abomination, and a statement against God.
There are many scriptures in the bible about homosexuality in the bible such as:
Leviticus 20: 13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
But there are so many other scriptures, that out weigh the number of homosexuality scriptures, which talk about issues that are against God that we a a human race do not fight so strongly against. Sex before marriage for example:
Jude 1:7
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
So if you read and follow these scriptures exactly then if you are gay all you have done is committed an abomination that you can repent for, because God is forgiving and if he can forgive us for taking a live then he can forgive you acting in the manor that he has made you. But if you have sex before you are married then you are going to go to be punished with the "eternal fire," which I assume we all know what that refers too.
Some may argue that there is not a problem with sex before marriage so this comparison has no backing, but sadly they are mistaken. Melissa S. Kearney brings forth some very startling data on teen and non-marital childbearing. According to Melissa S. Kearney's article entitled Teen and Non-Marital Childbearing, in 2001 there were 1.1 million pregnancies that were to unmarried women in their twenties.
Even the 36th president of the United States, while signing the Voting Rights Act, said that gay marriage "must come; it is right that it should come. And when it has, you will find that a burden has been lifter from your shoulder," according to Taylor Harris with The Washington Post. If the human population would open their minds a bit more, and accept people for the way they are then we could cast that burden of fretting over same sex marriage aside. In doing this we could focus on the more pressing issues in the world, such as: the sudden changes in climate, global warming, and how we can fix them, new ways to protect the environment, sources of energy that are Eco-friendly, and efficient so that we can preserve fossil fuels.
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